Other Services
First Home Buyers
Buying your first home is a big step and possibly the most important investment in your life. Often, first home buyers don't know where to start. We will help you make a plan and work with you throughout the whole process. Our aim is to make it as easy as possible so that you can avoid any pitfalls and enjoy the experience without the stress.
Our team will help you with:
Advice on how you can best prepare yourself for your first home loan
Making a step by step plan
Finding out if you qualify for Kainga Ora First Home Loan package
Help in applying for Kainga Ora Homestart grants
Help you utilize financial assistance from your family if it is available
Finance Pre-approval. Before you start looking for your first home, we can have you "pre-approved" so you know how much you can spend.
We can introduce you to suitable professional service providers e.g. legal, registered valuers, building inspectors etc.
We work with you through every step of the process.